Cyprus, Nicosia

A transformation has taken place in the helm of the Administration of Cypriot Funds within the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

22.12.2023 / 09:03
News Category

In the precincts of Northern Cyprus, a shift in the leadership of the Administration of Cypriot Funds has transpired. The Council of Ministers of the TRNC has opted to supplant the incumbent head of this venerable organization.

In accordance with the edict articulated in the Official Gazette, Ibrahim Benter finds himself ousted from the esteemed position of General Director of the Administration of Cypriot Funds. Stepping into this role, the Council of Ministers has entrusted Mustafa Tyumer.

It is prudent to observe that, until the recent past, Mustafa Tyumer discharged duties as the interim rector of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU). Towards the culmination of October, he gracefully relinquished his responsibilities, which were then seamlessly transferred to Professor Hasan Kılıç.

Ibrahim Benter, heretofore at the helm, steering the Administration of Cypriot Funds since the annus of 2013, now finds himself displaced.

The Cyprus Funds Administration (Evkaf) directs its efforts towards the restoration of historical edifices, driven by the noble objective of safeguarding the cultural heritage of the nation.

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