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A Briton ran the London Marathon, drinking 25 glasses of wine along the way

06.05.2024 / 19:39
News Category

A well-known British TikTok blogger, known as the "wine guy," ran the London Marathon, drinking 25 glasses of wine along the route. After each mile, a sommelier named Tom Gilby made a stop and drank a glass of wine, while also guessing its variety, country of origin, and vintage.

In this way, the wine blogger completed the London Marathon in 4 hours and 41 minutes (including wine tasting time). He made a total of 25 checkpoints.

It is reported that out of the 25 glasses of wine consumed, 7 were guessed correctly 100%, 14 were partially guessed, and the remaining four had all incorrect answers. It is known that among the wines offered for tasting were both inexpensive ordinary drinks from gas stations and relatively expensive varieties costing $50 and above per bottle.

The last, 26th glass of wine, was consumed by the marathon runner immediately after the finish. After completing the race, the Briton confessed that "the wine made the 26-mile run not so endless."

It is noted that Tom Gilby decided to run the London Marathon to raise $2,487 for the Sobell House hospice in Oxford, which cared for his mother. At the moment, he has managed to raise over $16,000.

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