Cyprus, Nicosia

How Independence Day is Celebrated in Cyprus

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Cyprus Independence Day is celebrated annually on October 1st with vibrant parades and an official public holiday.

It is worth noting that this date was chosen artificially for the convenience of celebrating the main national holiday in more pleasant weather, avoiding the summer heat.

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History of Cyprus Independence

In fact, Cyprus became a sovereign state on August 16, 1960, although the final decision to grant independence was made on February 19, 1959. In any case, the sovereignty and independence of the entire island as a separate country, celebrated on October 1st, existed for only 14 years.

After the events of 1974, the island was divided into the Republic of Cyprus (south) and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (north). Since the international community did not recognize the northern part, the date of independence was "appropriated" by the southerners, and now Independence Day of the united Cyprus is celebrated by the Republic of Cyprus.

Celebration of the Holiday

On this day, the island observes an official holiday, and therefore, most government offices, banks, private companies, shops, and pharmacies are closed. Public transport operates on a holiday schedule.

In honor of Cyprus Independence, a military parade is held, and massive festive events are organized where Cypriots gather with their families and friends to commemorate this important day.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cyprus Independence Day

Where are the holiday events held?

The holiday is celebrated everywhere, but major events such as the military parade take place on the main streets of Nicosia. Many people gather at the Freedom Monument in the capital, which was created in honor of Cypriot patriots who fought for the independence of their homeland. Mass celebrations are also held in the central squares of all cities in Cyprus, and in the evening, the sky is lit up with fireworks.

Does public transportation operate?

Yes, transportation operates but on a holiday schedule, even if October 1st falls on a weekday.

What other national holidays are celebrated in Cyprus?

In Cyprus, many religious holidays are also national holidays. The main secular ones are Greek National Day (March 25) and Oxi Day (October 28).

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