Cyprus, Nicosia

Cyprus Records Historic Drop in Fatal Traffic Accidents Over 63 Years

23.07.2024 / 20:10
News Category

Cyprus has seen a dramatic decrease in fatal traffic accidents. In 2023, the number of such accidents was the lowest since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960.

According to the Ministry of Transport, there has been a significant decline in road fatalities over the past 63 years, marking a positive trend in road safety.

In 1960, there were 110 fatal traffic accidents. By 2023, this number had fallen to just 34.

The year 1973 remains the deadliest, with 162 fatalities recorded.

Since 2019, when 52 fatal accidents were reported, there has been a steady decline in traffic-related deaths.

“This reflects a positive trend in improving road safety,” the ministry said.

The report attributes this improvement to "various factors, including the introduction of new road safety regulations, enhanced infrastructure, awareness campaigns, and increased inspections."

The Ministry of Transport has urged the public to continue exercising caution and adhering to traffic rules.

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