Cyprus, Nicosia

Scientists Discover Rare Islamic "Excalibur"

03.05.2024 / 22:16
News Category

Archaeologists from Spain have unearthed a rare Islamic "Excalibur". It is the first of its kind sword from the Golden Age of Islam, dating back over a thousand years.

The unique artifact was found by scientists in the Spanish city of Valencia. The discovery was reported on the official portal of the municipal administration.

The ancient sword was discovered inside a tomb dating back to the Islamic era, positioned vertically. It is for this reason that researchers dubbed the finding "Excalibur" - in honor of the legendary sword of King Arthur.

The length of the Valencia sword is 46 centimeters. Its hilt has notches for a secure grip, while the blade itself is adorned with bronze plates.

Scientists speculate that the sword belonged to a mounted knight: the dimensions of the weapon and the absence of a protective plate between the blade and the hilt, known as the guard, suggest this. The sword's shape indicates European origins and resembles the weapon crafted by the Visigoths.

However, researchers have already determined that the artifact dates back to the 10th century. During that period, much of Spain was under the rule of Muslim rulers.

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