Cyprus, Nicosia

Man Caught with Vapes and Methamphetamine in His Underwear at Agios Dometios Checkpoint

27.08.2024 / 15:15
News Category

A man was arrested at the Agios Dometios checkpoint while attempting to cross from Cyprus to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) with vapes and methamphetamine hidden in his underwear. The suspect has already appeared in court twice in Northern Cyprus.

During a court hearing, a police officer testified that the man, driving a vehicle registered in the TRNC, tried to cross the border at the checkpoint on Friday at 11:25 p.m. His behavior aroused the suspicion of the police. A search of his car revealed 104 vapes that had not been declared to customs, and six grams of methamphetamine were found hidden in his underwear.

The following day, the court ordered the suspect to be detained for three days. Police believe he was transporting the drugs to the TRNC with the intention of giving some to an acquaintance and using the rest himself. The drugs were sent for analysis, and the nylon wrapping was sent for fingerprint examination.

On Tuesday, the suspect appeared in court again. This time, the court extended his detention for an additional six days to allow for further investigation.

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