Cyprus, Nicosia

In Cyprus, a plan has been developed to reduce the number of caesarean sections

08.02.2024 / 13:34
News Category

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus has approved a plan to promote natural childbirth and reduce the number of caesarean sections. Less than half of the children in the country are born naturally.

According to a statement published by the Ministry of Health, the plan will serve as an important tool in addressing both tasks. It includes four directions related to the healthcare system, medical education, public awareness, and research.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the rate of cesarean section births has been increasing worldwide in recent decades, with Cyprus being considered one of the countries with the highest level of such interventions, as well as with a high level of preterm births.

"The implementation of the plan will contribute to coordinated actions by all relevant bodies to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections and premature births under the overall coordination of the Ministry of Health," the ministry's statement said.

A special monitoring committee, composed of representatives from the Ministry of Health, the Health Insurance Organization (HIO), the Cyprus Medical Association, the Cyprus Nurses and Midwives Association, and the Patients' Association (OSAK), will oversee the plan's implementation.

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