Cyprus, Nicosia

Large Fire in Limassol Out of Control

24.06.2024 / 19:28
News Category

A major forest fire broke out in Limassol on Monday afternoon. The blaze has escalated beyond control, prompting authorities to activate the "IKAROS 2" plan.

The fire started in dry grass and wild vegetation in the village of Anogyra, in the Limassol district.

According to Fire Service spokesperson Andreas Kettis, all available firefighting resources are being deployed, including fire trucks from British bases.

Initially, five aircraft were used to fight the fire, but this number was later increased to 11. The fire remains uncontrolled, with strong winds exacerbating the situation.

Ground forces have been bolstered with earth-moving machines from the Forestry Department to create firebreaks and demarcations.

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