Cyprus, Nicosia

Cypriot officials have had their paid sick leave reduced

26.01.2024 / 11:34
News Category

The duration of sick leave for public servants in the Republic of Cyprus has been nearly halved. The reason for this was numerous abuses of the system.

By decision taken at a Cabinet meeting, the number of days of paid sick leave has been reduced from 42 to 28. This was announced by the country's Finance Minister, Makis Keravnos.

Without a doctor's certificate, the number of sick days has been reduced from eight days to six.

Additionally, the change in sick leave regulations will result in the introduction of three six-month extension periods instead of two, as previously provided for in the existing rules. This applies to chronically ill patients. The first period will be fully paid, the second with 60% of the salary, and the third with a reduction in salary to 50%.

The Finance Minister also announced that the requirement for an extension of sick leave by a medical commission for chronically ill patients is being abolished. Instead, it will be granted upon presentation of a medical certificate after approval by the supervisor.

The Minister added that the decision taken is part of the government's program to modernize the civil service. Earlier, the Cabinet made a number of decisions on flexible working hours, remote work, and sick leave as an additional step.

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