Cyprus, Nicosia

Cypriots Make Guinness World Record by Holding Hands

26.06.2024 / 11:03
News Category

Cypriots have entered the Guinness World Records by creating the longest alternating chain of people holding wrists. The record was set yesterday evening at the GSP Stadium.

The event was organized by the Janis Christodoulou Foundation and involved thousands of participants – children, parents, friends, and caregivers from across the country. On June 25th at 6:00 PM at the GSP Stadium, alongside the foundation's founder John Christodoulou, as well as renowned Greek singer Konstantinos Argiros and other celebrities, people of all ages formed a chain by holding each other's wrists.

In this way, they formed the longest chain of people holding wrists. According to the creators of the initiative, the goal of this action was to convey a message about teamwork, cooperation, and unity.

After setting the record, participants enjoyed a free concert by Konstantinos Argiros.

The event was held under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, and Youth.

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