Cyprus, Nicosia

Cyprus Airports on High Alert Due to Surge in Flights from the Middle East

01.08.2024 / 15:46
News Category

Authorities in Cyprus, as well as the airports in Larnaca and Paphos, are on high alert due to the escalating military situation in Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.

Local media reports indicate that, following warnings from Israel about potential attacks on Beirut and Tehran, all relevant agencies are prepared to implement the special "Estia" plan, which addresses the large influx of aircraft and passengers.

In response to the intentions of many European and international airlines to suspend flights or relocate their fleets, Hermes Airports has confirmed to AlphaNews.Live that they are maintaining heightened readiness to address any needs.

Earlier reports noted that two Lufthansa flights en route to Tel Aviv were diverted to Larnaca Airport.

Sources indicate that both flights were scheduled for crew changes. The flights in question were from Frankfurt to Larnaca to Tel Aviv and from Munich to Larnaca to Tel Aviv. The first flight proceeded as planned, while the second returned to Germany "for security reasons."

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