Cyprus, Nicosia

Animal rights activists reported a cruel killing of a red fox in Lapta

22.02.2024 / 17:39
News Category

Unknown poachers brutally killed a red fox in the Tashkent Natural Park. Animal rights activists called the killing of the animal one of the most frightening examples of human cruelty: the animal's body was literally riddled with buckshot.

The animal was killed in the park at the beginning of January, but this act of poaching has only now become public knowledge.

According to the Tashkent Natural Park, the dead red fox (Vulpes vulpes) was brought to the wildlife hospital on January 6, 2024. X-rays revealed that the animal's body was pierced by over 200 buckshot pellets. Additionally, the animal had spinal fractures. The animal died before it could be taken to the veterinary clinic.

"When we think about what happened to the fox, it's really difficult for us to express our feelings in words. This was one of the most frightening examples of human cruelty among all the cases we've encountered so far," the park's statement on social media said.

The statement included an X-ray image of the deceased animal.

"The story of this poor creature, which breaks our hearts, once again reminds us of the negative impact of humans on nature, the destruction of nature it causes, and how animals need our protection. Our duty is to protect the rights of those who cannot protect their own rights," the statement said.

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