Cyprus, Nicosia

The green sea turtles, Magnolia and Jumhuriyet, have been released back into the wild after a successful treatment

11.12.2023 / 16:39
News Category

Following an intensive course of treatment at the Merit Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center, two green sea turtles, Magnolia and Jumhuriyet, have finally been reunited with their natural habitat.

The turtles, estimated to be between 8 and 10 years old, were found by rescuers trapped in plastic nets, seriously affected by the consequences of marine pollution.

Doctors and specialists at the Rehabilitation Center made tremendous efforts to restore the health and physical condition of these marine inhabitants. After a prolonged period of care and treatment, Magnolia and Jumhuriyet left the rehabilitation center.

"This is an important moment for us. The return of these turtles to their natural environment is not only a victory for us but also a reminder of the importance of fighting marine pollution," noted the chief veterinarian of the center.

Rescuers and volunteers who actively participated in the turtle treatment process also expressed joy and pride in this success.

"It has been an amazing journey of health recovery for Magnolia and Jumhuriyet. Watching them recover has been a priceless experience that gives us the strength to continue fighting for the cleanliness of our seas," shared one of the volunteers.

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