Cyprus, Nicosia

Dental examinations have begun in Nicosia schools

05.12.2023 / 14:34
News Category

TRNC Minister of Health Hakan Dincürek announced that from today dental examinations of children will begin in primary schools in Nicosia, and students will also be reminded about the prevention of oral diseases and the rules of dental care. The project is carried out under the auspices of the Department of Primary Health Care under the Ministry of Health.


 According to the minister, second grade students will be examined by dentists in a mobile medical office.


 Today, inspections took place at Balikesir-Merich Central Primary School, Cihangir-Dyuzova Primary School and Degirmenlik Primary School.


 It is also noted that last year about 1,500 students underwent the examination.

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