Cyprus, Nicosia

In Famagusta, Gazı Mustafa Kemal Boulevard will be expanded

16.02.2024 / 12:30
News Category

The Municipality of Famagusta has begun the second stage of work to widen the road at the traffic light on Gazı Mustafa Kemal Boulevard and Topçu Boulevard. This is intended to help alleviate the city's traffic congestion.

As part of efforts to address traffic congestion, the number of lanes on Gazı Mustafa Kemal Boulevard has been increased to three by expanding the road at the turn where the Topçu Boulevard traffic lights are located.

As a result of the work carried out, vehicles traveling from Anita Chamber towards Hurma Chamber will be able to move in two lanes, and thanks to the road expansion, the third lane can be used for left turns.

The aim of the ongoing work is to reduce traffic congestion on Gazı Mustafa Kemal Boulevard.

It is worth noting that in September of last year, work was carried out to widen the section of Topçu Boulevard between Sakarya Sulu Chamber and Gazı Mustafa Kemal Boulevard in Famagusta.

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