Cyprus, Nicosia

Three people were injured in a car accident on the Erсan - Iskele highway

29.04.2024 / 16:18
News Category

Over the past weekend, a major road traffic accident occurred in Northern Cyprus. Three people were injured in an accident on the main road from Erсan to Iskele.

According to the police press service, the accident happened on Saturday, April 27th, around 18:20. The 25-year-old driver was traveling towards Iskele. Near the Geçitkale Cumhuriyet Middle School, the young man lost control of the vehicle, causing it to veer off the road and collide with cypress trees, and then onto the embankment along the road.

Three people were injured in the accident – the driver, Oguz Yılmaz Yıldız, as well as the passengers Yakup Yıldız and Selemi Yıldız. All three injured individuals were treated at Famagusta State Hospital, where they received necessary medical assistance.

The police are investigating the causes of the accident.

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