Cyprus, Nicosia

Six Individuals Without Residency Permits Arrested in Degirmenlik

14.12.2023 / 13:45
News Category

The TRNC Police conducted an operation to maintain public order in the area of the village of Degirmenlik. During the raid, six individuals who were residing in the country illegally were detained and brought to court.

As explained by a police officer in court, it was established during the verification that Hossen Mohammad Babul had been residing in the country illegally since August 31, 2018, Abbas Sheikh since March 23, 2023, Shamim Sheikh since November 24, 2023, Shahadat Hossain since November 14, 2023, and Asif and Kapuru Bandaraj had been on Northern Cyprus without permission since November 24 and June 27, 2023, respectively.

The police requested the court to detain the suspects for two days for further investigation, a decision with which the judge agreed.

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