Cyprus, Nicosia

The first tomography has been performed at Chengiz Topel Hospital

24.05.2024 / 21:59
News Category

Chengiz Topel Hospital in Northern Cyprus has inaugurated its new tomography facility, with the successful completion of the first tomography scan. Health Minister of the TRNC, Hakan Dinchyurek, announced this milestone.

The Minister recalled his commitment made several months ago to install a tomography machine at Chengiz Topel Hospital in Lefka, ensuring that residents in the region would have access to this service.

Today marks the first official use of the equipment, with the inaugural tomography scan conducted at the hospital.

Located in the village of Yesilyurt, near Lefke, Chengiz Topel Clinic now offers this advanced diagnostic service to its patients.

Read also: Notable Figures of the TRNC

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