Cyprus, Nicosia

Working Group on Inter-Parliamentary Relations between Azerbaijan and TRNC Established

05.04.2024 / 18:27
News Category

A working group on inter-parliamentary relations between Azerbaijan and TRNC has been established in the National Assembly of Azerbaijan.

The draft resolution on the establishment of the working group was discussed at a regular general meeting of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan and was adopted on the first vote.

Javanshir Feyziyev, a member of parliament, was elected as the chairman of the working group on inter-parliamentary relations between Azerbaijan and TRNC. In his statement on this occasion, he called the decision to establish the working group a “historic step”.

The parliamentarian drew attention to the policy pursued by the Turkish states in accordance with the geopolitical realities in the world. He pointed out that the integration processes among modern Turkish states have become imperative for leveraging the benefits of globalization and ensuring the future of Turkish civilization, its place, and role in the world order.

  • Close cooperation between TRNC and Azerbaijan at the parliamentary level is one of the most successful steps in the integration process of the Turkish states. Together with all our colleagues, we will strive for the integrity and future success of the Turkic world, — stated Javanshir Feyziyev.
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