Cyprus, Nicosia

A Russian national and an Italian mafioso have been declared persona non grata in Northern Cyprus

18.02.2024 / 19:36
News Category

Two more foreigners have been recognized as "prohibited immigrants" in the TRNC. We are talking about a Russian who is on an international wanted list and a mafioso from Italy.

According to a document published in the "Official Gazette," the Council of Ministers of the TRNC decided to declare Italian Sebastiano Claudio Saia and Russian Oleg Serebryansky as "prohibited immigrants" due to their behavior, which poses a threat to society.

The document states that Sebastiano Claudio Saia, born in Italy on November 8, 1947, is wanted by Italian authorities for the purchase of stolen goods and cooperation with the mafia criminal organization "Ndrangheta Marando."

It is also reported that Russian Oleg Serebryansky, born on July 4, 1975, is wanted by Russian Interpol. The TRNC authorities considered his presence in the country "a threat to public order and causes hostility among the population of the TRNC."

It is worth noting that earlier Russian media reported the detention of former director of the "Medicine 24/7" clinic Oleg Serebryansky at the capital's airport, who was declared internationally wanted. The man was detained on February 9 upon arrival from Turkey and placed in pre-trial detention. Necessary investigative actions are being carried out with him, and he will be charged soon.

A criminal case under Part 2 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person by negligence) is being investigated against the detainee. According to the investigation, a woman died as a result of receiving services in the clinic that did not meet safety requirements.

"In 2021, Oleg Serebryansky evaded law enforcement agencies, as a result of which he was declared internationally wanted. At the request of the investigation, a court chose a measure of restraint in absentia for him in the form of detention," the statement from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reads.

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