Cyprus, Nicosia

The President of the TRNC visited the brick factory affected by fire

29.02.2024 / 12:14
News Category

TRNC President Ersin Tatar visited the "Gürdağ" brick factory in Haspolat, which was affected by fire earlier this week.

According to information provided by the Presidency, the head of Northern Cyprus was briefed on the causes of the fire and the damage incurred, and wished a speedy recovery to the director of Gürdağ LLC, Mustafa Erşözlü.

During the visit, the President of the TRNC was accompanied by the President of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, Ali Kamacıoğlu.

Recall that the fire at the brick factory, which is part of the Gürdağ Group, in Haspolat occurred early Monday morning.

Firefighting units were dispatched upon receiving the distress call. Firefighters at the scene conducted controlled demolitions of buildings to prevent further spread of the fire.

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