Cyprus, Nicosia

Contract Signed for the Water Supply Project at Famagusta Port

18.09.2024 / 20:43
News Category

A contract for the water supply project at Famagusta Port in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has been signed. The agreement followed a tender process conducted by the municipality.

The contract was signed by the Mayor of Famagusta, Süleyman Uluçay, and the representative of Destebaşı Construction Company, Derya Dinçkuyucu. This agreement marks a significant step towards meeting the water needs of both service buildings and ships at the port.

Mayor Uluçay explained that for a long time, water had been delivered to Famagusta Port by tankers. A previous tender for the water supply had been canceled at the contract stage, which left the port without a secure water supply.

This new project will connect water meters to all public, military, and commercial buildings in the port area. Water will also be supplied to the ships docked at the port.

The TRNC Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources will provide the necessary water pipes for the project. Under the terms of the tender, the contractor will be responsible for the implementation of the project.

The scope of the work includes laying approximately 2,315 meters of pipes, excavating solid ground, installing 40 connections, and setting up special water supply points for the ships. All of these works will be completed with asphalt concrete paving.

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