Cyprus, Nicosia

Car Overturns on the Iskele – Famagusta Highway

26.09.2024 / 19:43
News Category

A car overturned following an accident on the Iskele – Famagusta highway, leaving the female driver injured and hospitalized.

According to the police report, the incident took place last night on the main road between Iskele and Famagusta.

The 46-year-old woman was driving towards Iskele when, just before reaching the Alpet gas station, she lost control of the vehicle. After hitting the curb, she lost control entirely and collided with a concrete barrier in the middle of the road.

The impact caused the car to overturn multiple times, eventually coming to rest upside down in the middle of the highway.

The injured driver was rushed to Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital in Nicosia, where she remains under medical observation.

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