Cyprus, Nicosia

In Northern Cyprus, fines for traffic violations have been increased

06.06.2024 / 12:45
News Category

With the introduction of a new minimum wage, fines for traffic rule violations that can be settled without judicial proceedings have been raised in the TRNC. The new tariffs came into effect from June 5th.

In particular, fines for driving without a license and under the influence of alcohol have been increased to the level of the new minimum wage and now amount to up to 33,926 Turkish lira (depending on the blood alcohol level).

Fines for speeding now range up to 8,481.50 Turkish lira depending on the extent of the speeding.

Accordingly, speeding up to 20 km/h will cost 3,392.60 TL, over 20 km/h but less than 40 km/h - 5,088.90 TL, over 40 km/h - 8,481.50 TL.

Fines for driving without navigation permits or vehicle inspections and using a mobile phone while driving now amount to 3,392.60 TL. The fine for driving without a driver's license is 1,696.30 TL.

Transporting cargo exceeding the vehicle's capacity or hazardous materials will result in a fine of 8,481.50 TL. Not using seat belts in passenger cars, buses, vans, and trucks will result in a fine of 3,392.60 TL. Driving without insurance or outside the insurance coverage will result in a fine of 8,481.50 TL, and the fine for not having a first aid kit in vehicles has increased to 1,696.30 TL.

The fine for disobeying traffic signals is now 6,785.20 TL.

The fine for the absence of a taximeter in taxis is 11,874.10 TL, and the fine for tampering with the taxi meter while transporting passengers is 16,963 TL.

The penalty points remain unchanged.

Read also: How much can you drink while driving in Northern Cyprus?

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