Cyprus, Nicosia

Damaged Water Pipeline Repaired in Northern Cyprus

11.07.2024 / 10:13
News Category

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources reports that the water supply to residents in the south of the TRNC has been restored. The damage to the pipeline was promptly repaired.

According to a statement from the ministry, after utility workers fixed the faulty section, the water issue in the region was resolved.

“Damage caused by the rupture of a fiber-optic cable supplying the southern lines as part of the drinking water supply project from the Republic of Turkey to the TRNC has been repaired, and water has begun to flow to our regions,” the ministry stated.

The utility accident occurred in Northern Cyprus the previous day during cleaning works conducted by the Değirmenlik Municipality in the Ercan Airport area. The southern part of the TRNC was left without water.

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