Cyprus, Nicosia

A Zimbabwean citizen lived illegally in Northern Cyprus for 2590 days and surrendered to the police

05.02.2024 / 16:33
News Category

The TRNC police arrested Zimbabwean citizen Ashley Mabika, who had been living illegally in the country for over 7 years. The illegal immigrant surrendered herself to the police and requested to be sent back home.

During a court hearing, it was revealed that on February 2, 2024, around 14:00, the suspect voluntarily went to the police and asked for assistance in returning to her country. After an immigration check, it was determined that the woman is a citizen of Zimbabwe who had been in the TRNC without residency status for 2590 days since December 30, 2016.

As a result, the suspect was arrested on the spot, and an immigration service inspection confirmed that she had been living illegally in the country and had no legal ties to the country.

The judge noted that the punishment for a crime related to obtaining residency status carries a sentence of up to 6 months in prison and ordered the suspect to be imprisoned for no more than 20 days.

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