Cyprus, Nicosia

Over 6,000 People Granted Immigration Amnesty in the TRNC

25.09.2024 / 18:17
News Category

A total of 7,659 individuals applied for immigration amnesty in Northern Cyprus, with 6,165 receiving approval.

This information was shared by the Minister of Interior of the TRNC, Dursun Oğuz, during an interview with Kıbrıs Postası television.

“Not all applications were approved due to the conditions set forth. We also approached this from a humanitarian perspective: those who wished to benefit from the amnesty in the TRNC needed to find an employer and have family ties,” the minister stated.

The Interior Minister refuted the notion that the immigration amnesty helped criminals legalize their status on the island, emphasizing that all submitted applications were thoroughly checked and were related to either employment or family circumstances.

“All decisions made are based on valid grounds. They are humane and conscientious. The state must act justly when resolving issues,” the minister added.

It is worth noting that the immigration amnesty officially began in the TRNC on August 5. It was implemented “to ensure the registration of unregistered workers and to strengthen the country’s economy.”

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