Cyprus, Nicosia

250,000 Palestinian Refugees Consider Resettlement in Kurdish Regions and TRNC

15.12.2023 / 11:54
News Category

Turkish authorities plan a strategic resettlement of Palestinian refugees in Northern Cyprus and the Kurdish regions in southeast Turkey. Up to 250,000 Palestinians may be relocated from the Gaza Strip under this initiative.

According to reports, this plan is outlined in a document by Gregory R. Copley, the editor of "GIS/Defence & Foreign Relations," and it suggests coordinated efforts involving Turkey, Qatar, Hamas, and Israel.

The report indicates ongoing extensive consultations on this matter between Turkish and Qatari intelligence services, along with representatives from Hamas.

Central to this plan is Turkey's intention, organized by the Turkish Intelligence Agency (MİT), to carry out a "humanitarian transfer and resettlement" of 200,000 to 250,000 Palestinians from Gaza to areas in southeast Turkey predominantly populated by Kurds. Additionally, a significant portion of these refugees is planned to be resettled in the TRNC, particularly in the Famagusta region.

The report states that this plan aligns with Turkey's strategic goals to expand its influence in the Eastern Mediterranean and pushes for the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Furthermore, Turkey's actions intertwine with the desire to normalize relations with Israel.

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